Thursday, March 25, 2010

Synthetic Existence

During the READ program, our class had been asked to read a article from AD BUSTERS called "Synthetic Existence" by Gwyn Wahlmann. The article explains about how the character believes that the world is getting less dependent on nature and more on technology. It explains how she believes that soon we will use avatars. She is saying this due to the fact that already people are happy to go through plastic surgeries and creating false identities when we go on the Internet. Also people spend most of their life now online doing shopping, work, socializing and soon there will be a demand for avatars to function in the real world for us. This avatar will do whatever you want such as live in your dream house, dream age, dream clothes, not getting sick or dieing, no limits or punishments and live a life not depending on the environment.
Then soon after this demand, people will demand for themselves to get inside the avatar world and experience what their avatars go through and soon all our true identifications will fade.
From reading this article, it connects with a program called "imvu" which is a social/3D network where you can chat with people all over the world and have fun in animated scenes. Not only that but you can do whatever you want with other people and live your dream life at no cost.
This also connects to my media art's class because in media arts we type up blogs where we can talk about our lives but the person reading the blog on the other side does not know weather we really went through all these series of events and if we're telling the truth.
Overall, from reading this article, I believe that this article is very true and the avatar world has already been here for more then expected.

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