Friday, February 12, 2010

The Long Long Article Made Into A Short Short Article...

Hey, Everyone!
Sorry, about the late update but for the past two weeks we've been busy with all sorts of crazy activities.
So, other then that, I want to talk about this really long article we have to read during the READ program whenever we have Media Arts.
This article is named "Foot Prints" by Will Richardson who is a geeky father of two children and who is worried whether or not his children will be searched on google and also explains how technologies are taking over young children's lives. Its shows how when you talk about something online, people from all over the world can see it. He also argues over how children don't know how to use the Internet well and may be getting into trouble. The article also talks about how students should be nomadic, flexible. Mobile learners who depend on their ability to connect with people and their resources.
Out of the whole thing, what was the main point of this article, you may ask.
The main point of this article is how children should learn about safety on the Internet then go on the Internet. For an example if you don't teach children about Internet safety, its just like teachers sitting at the back of the school bus holding onto life while children steer without even being taught.
So pretty much, that's what the whole article was about.
To me, I thought the author wasted a lot of time just typing this whole article up because just to give one message across he gives so much unnecessary information out that its hard to understand what he is really telling us.
Hope you learned a lot from my shorter version of the article. Hope to write soon!

Check Spelling

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Media Arts?

In the middle of last year, we had to chose our courses, and I already chose all my courses before they even let us chose. But then I spotted the course Media Arts'10 and found the name interesting, so I decided to take the course while dropping one course I already chose ages before. Plus, whenever I walk past the media arts room, the apple computers amaze me because lots of don't schools have this course. Also whenever I mention we have this course to my friends in other schools they look at my like I go to the best school ever.
So those are the following reasons why I decided to take Media Arts'10.